We are a community of children of a God who created us to flourish in this world, to live in interconnection with one another, and creation through intentional relationships grounded in love, justice, and peace, no exceptions.
The vision of our ministry with one another and in the world is grounded in God’s vision embodied in Jesus Christ and the Good News of his message and actions: an extravagant welcome to ALL at the table of God, the acknowledgment and value of the diversity of people and their gifts, and the promise of life in abundance, freedom, and wholeness for all of creation.
Join us in celebrating the new appointments to the positions of Officer and Member-at-large of the Executive Committee, beginning January 2024!
The Rev. Yinessa Romero, Moderator
The Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Vice-Moderator
The Rev. Edwin Pérez Jr., Immediate Past Moderator
Ms. Taylor Ramage, Secretary
The Rev. Crystal Silva-McCormick, Treasurer
Mx. Stephen Colón, Member-at-large
Ms. Sana DelCorazón, Member-at-large
The Rev. Ali Lopez-Valcarcel, Member-at-large
The Rev. Marcelino Rivera, Member-at-large
Ms. María Vives, Member-at-large